I wanted to make sure i will have all possible resources / support on my breastfeeding. To myself, this is my second chance and i want to prove to myself that if i give and do everything there is, breastfeeding is possible. I checked out about three suppliers who do placenta encapsulation and since Conscious Birth came out as a recommendation of my doula (Velvet Roxas), they were my best option.
I emailed Irina two months before my due date. She advised me to message her a week before my due date so we can coordinate delivery of my placenta. Here are some tips and reviews on placenta capsules:
1. Make sure your doctor will approve and support having your placenta encapsulated. This means your doctor has to inform the hospital, laboratory technicians and nurses to not apply formalin on the placenta. My doctor was very specific with this but my doula followed my placenta being transported to the laboratory just to make sure that no other chemical will be put.
2. your hospital room should have a refrigerator with freezer. You'll be the one to deliver the placenta so until then, store it in a freezer.
3. My placenta had an extra lobe, it was bigger than an average placenta so Irina was able to make 150pcs of capsules.
4. Most of the benefits that it gave were more for emotional and physical recovery and it helps in milk production as well. But since i did other things as well, I honestly cannot really measure how much the capsules helped me with the above but at least to myself, i think they did :)
5. I usually take them once a day postpartum and took an extra one if i feel tired. I treat it as my vitamins.
6. Would I suggest it? Yes specially if budget is not a concern. :) The package I got was the one with placenta cream and placenta tincture. she also preserved my baby's cord as well and shaped it into a heart.
here's a part of the services she offers: (information from website)
Placenta encapsulation
Inspired by the Traditional Chinese Medicine method of preparation involves cleaning the placenta, gently heating the placenta with fresh herbs such as ginger and lemongrass and then dehydrating the placenta before it is put into capsules. Using this preparation is thought to bring out the placentas healing and tonifying properties as well as warming and healing the uterus.
One placenta usually renders between 90 and 200 capsules depending on the size of the placenta.
Placenta Tincture
Putting part of your placenta in tincture form is another way to stretch out its longevity. A small portion of placenta is added to >100 proof alcohol and set to ferment for 6 weeks. Some of the benefits include hormone stabilization in your postpartum cycles, less bleeding during those cycles, energy and for menopause years down the road.
Placenta tincture is a also constitutional remedy that can be used for the baby throughout her/his life. The placenta contains vitamins, minerals, hormones and stem cells so it’s a very good immune remedy. A few uses include cough, stuffy nose, indigestion, teething, high stress events (1st day of school, daycare etc.) It’s also beneficial for mom during transition and stressful times.
Placenta Salve
Placenta is widely known to have healing and restorative qualities for the skin. Many expensive anti-aging and restorative creams and lotions contain placenta as their “secret” ingredient. From the dehydrated placenta powder a natural and healing salve can be created, custom made for our own use. The salve is made on the basic of organic oils (coconut, almond), shea and cocoa butter, bee wax and therapeutic grade essential oils. Herbs that promote post-partum healing are incorporated into the salve as well.
Placenta Salve can be used for healing:
Cesarean and other surgical incisions, Perineal Tears, Diaper Rash, Eczema, Cradle Cap, General skin-care
Umbilical Cord Keepsake
A forever symbol of connection between you and your baby, the umbilical cord keepsake is made by dehydrating your baby’s cord in a heart or circle shape. You can keep it in the baby’s book and store it safely in your cherished items treasure chest.
Placenta Printmaking
In addition to the medicinal uses, another way that we can bring back the tradition of honor and gratitude toward birth and the role of the placenta is to make artistically beautiful prints with it. I make your prints before I wash and prepare the placenta. They are printed with the natural placenta blood on acid-free artist’s paper. Some families frame them and display their prints as art or others choose to save them as personal keepsakes. The prints are unique imprints that display the size, shape and general appearance of the placenta and also remind us why the placenta is often referred to as "The Tree of Life."
Contact details:
Conscious Birth Manila