Sunday, September 28, 2014

Birthing class

In my first pregnancy, we were set to attend a birthing class but i had a bedrest for a month at the time we were supposed to attend plus we thought 5k was a big money to spend for a birth class.  We definitely were wrong about this decision.  That's why with this pregnancy, we are really decided we will attend a birth class.  We attended a birthing class with Chiqui Brosas last Sunday (Batch 238).  Velvet, our doula, recommended that we attend one so we readily researched which class to go to. She highly recommended Lin Fernando but after several attempts to contact her, i was'nt able to get hold of her. So we contacted Chiqui Brosas.  She was very prompt in replying to our queries and asked us to pre-register immediately.  Fee is 4,900/couple for 4 consecutive sundays, from 2-5pm.  Every month, she holds birth classes and venue will depend on which venue would accommodate her participants.  For our batch, we had it in Makati.

When we went to their Makati venue, we had a hard time parking. We're new to Makati so we're not familiar with the parking rules and we're scared our car might be towed.  We parked near Makati Square, had lunch then walked to the venue.

Soliman Corporation Center 2182 Don Chino Roces Ave. (fromerly Pasong Tamo), Makati
Ask lobby receptionist which room and floor, (Usually 3rd F/ Room 1)
on the ground floor of the building is a BPI atm,
it is located between Herald Suites & Oriental Plaza buildings.
Near Makati Cinema Square and Japanese Town restaurants.
Park on the available slots along the road.

Things I love about Chiqui's class:
-  She loves to talk about her birthing experiences and for the five natural births she gave, she talks about it like it just happened recently.  You can feel the passion, sincerity and delight.  That's what i desire, to share my birthing with love, and joy and not in a traumatizing way.
-  She's an advocate of natural birthing.
-  She always incorporates faith, prayers and God in her sessions.  I love to be surrounded by people who love God and share the same love to birthing and faith.
-  Her technique (lamaze bradley) is easy to understand.
- She's very pleasing to look at because she's soo pretty haha.
- She's OC so the manual that comes along with the class even has a list of things you need to bring to the hospital.  She even checked the labor kit bags we're gonna use and see if it will be allowed in the hospital that we are giving birth at.
- She does placenta encapsulation which we are considering as well.

You can contact chiqui here for inquiries and pre-registration:

Text SMART: +63920-905-27-37 (for texting only) 
Call GLOBE: +63917-477-06-28 (you may call Dorz)

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